Enjoy the phenomenal attractions of the island-nation, bestowed on her by mother-nature and nurtured and protected by her people.

Endowed with radiant splendour and majesty, the beaches in Sri Lanka , each provides a uniquely exotic experience.
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Botanical and Zoological Gardens
Sri Lanka has also been famously known for the tradition of cultivating and beautifying land for aesthetic purposes.
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Forests & Reserves
Sri Lanka , though a little drop in the Indian Ocean, is certainly the one magic droplet with a wide plethora of colour, vibrance and exuberance.
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Forts in Sri Lanka find their origins over thousands of years ago during the reign of some of the greatest kings of the land.
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The island nation known as the pearl of the Indian Ocean boasts a wealth of richness and splendour second to none.
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Every inch of soil being fertile, the tropical island is endowed with not only lush greenery and colourful flora
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Birthed in the central highlands of the island and gently meandering along in every direction, the rivers in Sri Lanka each tells a varied story.
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Rocks & Mountains
The mountains in Sri Lanka reach the skies with a phenomenal show of splendour, magnificence and power.
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The lifestyles, language and culture of the people of the ancient days have been built upon the basic tenets of Buddhism.
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Spread through the highlands of the country and majestically cascading with youthful splendour, the waterfalls in Sri Lanka are magical in appearance and exhilarating in experience.
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Wildlife Parks
Given its religious heritage and the history of having preserved animal life for thousands of years, in Sri Lanka, wildlife parks are by no means rare.
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